Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Why aren't you breastfeeding? Informal medical school survey for mothers and mothers-to-be.?

I am interested in finding out from recent first-time mothers and mothers-to-be who chose or are choosing not to breastfeed the primary reason(s) you did so. This information may be included in a medical school research project if I get a good response. Please answer!

Why aren't you breastfeeding? Informal medical school survey for mothers and mothers-to-be.?
I did not breastfeed any of my babies because I couldn't. I had recurrent painful breast infections (was hospitalized) with my first 2 babies and my 3rd baby had severe heart defects and would choke when I tried to nurse her, or give her breastmilk in a bottle.

Pregnant with my 4th and I'm going to try again. Call me crazy, but I'd like to succeed just once!
Reply:i'm going to, but my sister-in-law is not breastfeeding because she is on medication that can pass through breast milk and be harmful to her baby. she's actually pretty depressed about it.
Reply:I am pregnant and still trying to make that decision...


- it's natural, a mother's body is prepared for it

- don't have to buy formula for a while

- can pump and store for convenience


- sore breasts

- frustration/it's often difficult to get baby attached properly

- inconvenient/need to stay at home to feed or pump
Reply:I couldn't breastfeed my son when he was born because he was in an incubator and I'm currently 35 weeks pregnant with my daughter and am not breastfeeding because there is no way I'm going to chase around a 4 year old and 2 dogs while breastfeeding!

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