Thursday, August 19, 2010

Religious opinion on stem cell research?

Most of the embryos for this research are the frozen left over embryos from invitro fertilization procedures.

By left over, I mean that these embryos will not ever be used to implant for pregnancy.

The religious objection to embryonic stem cell research is that it is killing human life.

The alternative to using these embryos in medical research is to throw them in the trash can.

Does throwing them in the trash can somehow make the embryo any less dead in comparison to the medical research?

So, religious people, what should it be, the trash can or the research lab?

Religious opinion on stem cell research?
I consider myself pretty conservative both politically and religiously speaking, however, I've always been in favor of stem cell research, so long as it didn't involve the cloning of body parts or people. If those who want to donate their placenta and/or frozen embryos to research, then they should be able to do so. And those who want to do research using this material so as to better human existance, then they should be able to. However, everything should be on the up and up, no going through trash cans, or stealing placentas, or anything like that. My belief is that at some point after the general human body is formed, the spirit enters the body, but it's not a human being until that time, and that time doesn't include a small mass of cells that can be frozen for years on end, defrosted, implanted and grow into a living human being.
Reply:This open ended question doesn't follow through. You are only speaking of the stem cells that have already been created. In order to continue the research they would would have to continue creating them. I also heard one person suggest there was nothing wrong with it as they are unaware and feel no pain. Does that mean you are allowed to gas someone while they are sleeping if they are unaware and feel no pain? It is never ok to destroy life because we judge our needs (and I realise they are critical) out weigh the rights of other human life.
Reply:Why waste you time? The same morons who oppose stem cell research are the ones who support the death penalty.

It is useless to shoot at fog.
Reply:I'm afraid in some matters I'm just a Klingon. The flesh without the spirit is just a shell.

Jesus said, "Let the dead bury the dead!"

Let the spiritually "dead" use that as justification to Hate the living!
Reply:Now that stem cells are said to be found in amniotic fluid, I'm starting to become more positive towards it, since amniotic fluid can be withdrawn without harm to a woman or the fetus most of the time. I'd like to see some serious ethical control put on it as a whole though. Again, though, I believe in not foisting my pov on everyone by bashing them over the head with any books.
Reply:Apparently one of the 12 cells in an embryo is the cell that has a living, breathing baby with thoughts and feelings and a soul.
Reply:I think the donors of these biological materials should be able to decide what they are used for. If it were me, and my only two options were the research or the trash, I'd pick the research.

Of course people need to realize the big debate isn't about whether stem cell research should be legal or not - it's about whether or not the government should fund it or not. The debate is really about nothing more than money.
Reply:I think that the whole "playing God" thing is wrong. If a couple cannot get pregnant, then adopt. There are plenty of children that need good families. I think we really need to stop all this cloning or our livestock, and of our pets, and maybe one day of people. We are just playing with nature, and it can and will come back to us.
Reply:That's a false choice. My religion opposes both In Vitro fertilization and embryonic stem cell research. Both are monstrous technologies.

Its like asking, "If we execute a guy, but then don't forcibly transplant his eyes, are we wasting his eyes?" to a person who opposes both the death penalty and forcible organ donation.
Reply:I say the research lab, but Im not religious so I guess thats a no brainer.
Reply:First of all, if they die the consequences and the sin falls upon the person who brought them there. That's a fact, I did not bring them there. Second, since I did not put them there, and I will never do, is up to them what they do. I make no comments, that is not for me to make a decision, so for me no trash can and no research lab.
Reply:Wow. I never realized I was conscious when I was a zygote.
Reply:Stem cell research should proceed, but only on those cells which have been extracted.
Reply:stem cells drawn from amniotic fluid. everyone's happy. end of debate.

My guess is that these frozen embryos will be/have been used anyway, we just don't hear about it.
Reply:Check out this link:

braces for teeth

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