Thursday, August 19, 2010

What do you think of Katie Holmes spending $10 million on her wedding dress?

It is reported that Katie's Amarni wedding dress came at a cost of $10 million dollars. When we consider the BILLIONS of under-nourished and under-educated people in the world, or the medical research needing funding, or any of the many other world problems, could she not have found a better use for that money? Surely a $10,000 wedding dress would have been sufficient, even for them?

What do you think of Katie Holmes spending $10 million on her wedding dress?
I don't know how they sleep at night. Hard to believe that there are people out there that are that self absorbed.
Reply:I don't think it matters; people can spend their money on what they want, but if they're only giving a tiny percentage of their vast wealth to improving the world, I think they need to reevaluate themselves.

Keep in mind that the making of that dress employed many people. So in that sense it's not a complete loss to society.
Reply:You don't understand show biz or the wedding industry. I'm involved in both. A star of his magnitude (undeserved yea though it may be- well he was good in Taps and Austin Powers, but nothing else) must put on a big show to legitimate his star power. Fireworks, castles, and inviting your arch-nemesis (B. Shields) are necessary to keep up appearances in the biz. Publicity is very important-- you need to understand that. He'll make that money back in his next movie. And the wedding industry is quite competitive. If you're rich, you absolutely must flaunt it. That's what weddings are all about (well I guess they're about love too- but more about keeping up with the Joneses).

Hey if people in Darfur don't have bread, let them eat cake. They're not TomKat's problem, they're Angelina Voigt's problem.
Reply:Shame on her!!
Reply:I would love to have 10 million dollars to feed the hungry and house the homeless.But we have to keep in mind that we are providing them this gross amount of money just by keeping them in the spotlight.We pay for their movies,and we are giving them publicity now just by talking about them.Things like that used to eat me alive.But,I do what I can to help people in need and have to respect that they have the right to spend their money how and on what they want.It's sad,but it's their right.Someone without a job would think it ludicrous of me to spend $10 on fast food.Just stay true to yourself,keep a good heart and help other's and you'll live a calmer,happier life.If you have to,give the trashcan one good kick and then forget about it.
Reply:They both bore the hell outta me
Reply:How do you know if she hasn't already donated money to charity? The way I see it, it is her money and she can spend however she chooses, don't you? 10 million is quite a bit of money to spend on a dress that you will wear for only a few hours. I can't see why that dress could not have been made for a cheaper price. It was pretty; but from the pictures I have seen, it was a simple design. It is amazing though what people will do with their money. Go figure.
Reply:that amount of money is peanuts to them

but what a waste

how many homeless that would feed

It's his 3rd marriage so it wont last i bet

he must be hard to live with
Reply:It is a crying shame
Reply:Gee, all that money for a dress and she didn't even get a real husband!
Reply:It's her (and/or Tom's) money. She can do whatever she likes.

The money spent on the dress is filtered down in the economy to help people pay for food and rent. And the profit made on the dress will also be spent or reinvested, further helping people.

Rich people don't hoard their money in vaults. Poor people hoard money. That's part of the reason they're poor.

Reply:that $10 million worth of food people in Darfur won't get.
Reply:I thought all the wedding items made for them, were made for free. It was probably valued at 10 million but they didnt have to spend that money to get it.
Reply:Ridiculous, but it’s not really a unique story when it comes to Hollywood.
Reply:I think it's great. That's $10 million that goes circulating back into the economy.
Reply:They're not the only ones guilty of it. Look at Paris Hilton and her cliche ... it's been that way since the beginning of commerce, though. Nothing you can do. It would be nice if all these celebrities and sports icons really did something worthy with their money ... so many of them have so much money that their great-grandchildren couldn't spend it. And giving to charity is tax-deductible. =P
Reply:I thought Scientologists were supposed to shun "things" in favor of spiritual enlightenment. And if what the other answer says is true, that everything was given to/made for them, all I can say is what a waste of energy and materials.
Reply:Thats ridiculous....then did you see the picture of them together?....He somehow ended up to be taller than her....He was apparently standing on the pre nup!!!!!!LOL

I am so sick of both of them, just make them dissapear!!!!
Reply:I don't think anything about it. The amount of money she spent is probably proportionate to the amount she has at her disposal. We don't know whether or not she gives to charity, and it's none of our business. Most of us don't even give $3 a year to charity, and we'll spend more than that at Starbucks.
Reply:its disgusting and immoral....however much the dress cost, i bet theyre not still married in 5 years time

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