Thursday, August 19, 2010

Medical Illustrator Career Educational History?

I am considering pursuing the higher education to obtain a degree in medical illustration. However, as I was begining my research, I noticed the Medical Ilustrators have a BFA.

I have a BA in arts, concentrations in drawing and printmaking from a 4 year private college.

Would this be applicable to continue to become a medical illustrator?

Medical Illustrator Career Educational History?
You'll also need a background in biology and comparative anatomy and physiology. Medical illustrators almost need to be doctors, because you have to be very accurate in your renditions, and have a good sound knowledge of what you're drawing. For example, would you know how to identify, enhance, and illustrate the "Isle of Langerhans" portion of the pancreas? See what I mean? It's a great career, however, and I know several medical illustrators who've made good money and really enjoy their work.

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