Thursday, August 19, 2010

Why is it that it's usually christian fundamentalist try to halt scientific research?

During the middle ages virtually no medical research was done by Christians, why? because studying the human body was considered a form of "questioning god" so for nearly 1000 years all medical advancements where done by Muslims and Jews.

Is history going to repeat itself?

Why is it that it's usually christian fundamentalist try to halt scientific research?
It allready is. Thats why we have a big debate over stem cells. Its should be a non-issue. Religion has no business stopping our advancement. We KNOW it to be a big fairy tale yet too many people want to hold onto such a rediculous idea because they can't bear the though of being tricked by thier church all these years.
Reply:Not at all. The middle ages was relegated to Europa which had narrow and biased views. Today medical research and science is dealt by the whole planet.
Reply:Where do you learn these lies? Christian scientists have done much more to advance science than the Muslims.

The Jews, it is true, have done more than Christians to advance science.
Reply:not at all.
Reply:We don't want to here all the nonsense about medical this and that. It'll only lead to more lies.
Reply:In most major religions, there are progressives and recessives. Those who want to advance knowledge and culure, and those who wish to lock in in place.

Often, the regressives are motivated by fear, ignorance, and sheer greed- the more people follow them, the more power they have over them.

I think we live within pendulum swings in most of our lives- left wing to right wing and back, abundance to scarcity and back, religious progressiveness to regressiveness and back...

I think history may repeat itself. The debates in Kansas, etc. over 'Intelligent Design' vs. evolution seems like a sign- but then again, there are signs that ghosts and other silliness are getting more popular as well, and they are not really a function of religion.
Reply:When it involves the murder of unborn children of course we will oppose it!
Reply:What about all of the Christian Colleges?

We are no longer in the Middle ages, take a look around.

Bad stereotype.

Does not fit.

Reply:To answer your question just take one look at the dismal state of our education system. Instead of trying to better teach our children they recently dumbed down the SAT.

Fundamentalist Christianity is losing its grip so they're not going to be a dominant force for much longer.
Reply:Head like brick.

An after effect of all that brainwashing by churches is sometimes that any grey matter they once had becomes dried out and fossilized.
Reply:During the Middle Ages...there was alot of superstition about everything that impeded advancement in every area - I have never seen anything that attributes that to just Christians. What facts or research are you basing such a sweeping statement on...please cite the source!
Reply:Actually your wrong about that, some of Jesus' disciples were doctors, some were attorneys and so forth.

Solomon (not a disciple) had more wisdom than any man who ever lived and he knew the human body. Medical research was ans is done by many Christians
Reply:Don't blame Christians for the actions of the non-Christian Catholic church.

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