Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Why should we support medical charities?

Soon the calls will start pouring in from one medical charity or another trying to pull at our heartstrings in the season of giving. And while I have nothing against those that form support groups for the afflicted and their families, I do have a major issue with those that support "the cure". In other words, finance research to find a cure. Let me use the example of HIV/AIDS research as an example.

Hundreds of millions of dollars have been raised to find a cure for HIV/AIDS. Thousands of researchers are working tirelessly, from every angle possible, to accomplish this goal. Say tomorrow we wake up to a research house that has found a promissing solution. What happens next? The research is bought by a Big Pharma at a handsome profit. The Big Pharma commercializes with patent protection at a major profit. Do you see the issue?

Huge profits from my Charity! Last time I checked, Big Pharma were not exactly a charitable institution. Why should my charity go to make Big Pharma rich?

Why should we support medical charities?
Reply:If a medical emergence arises %26amp;you have nothing you'll be praying for these Medical charities.
Reply:We should support medical charities because the basic research they sponsor will lead to treatments and cures for many people, rather than trying to treat one person at a time.

There are many disparities in our country, unfortunately. I have from time to time wondered what if simply taking mega doses of vitamins would prevent cancer or some other degenerative diseases? I personally resent the advertising promoting the drugs on TV. I think that is a lot of money wasted,

Now that the NIH research budget is being cut, and the uncertainties for Big Pharma in bringing new drugs to market, the need for charity sponsored basic research funds is real.
Reply:You support them so they can do more research, they do off course and who knows if they will find that magic cure. But before giving them money I would really like to know just how much of my money goes to research and how much goes to wages etc. Believe me a lot goes to fund the commercials, rent premises to wages instead of the actual medical research.
Reply:We should support medical charities because the basic research they sponsor will lead to treatments and cures for many people, rather than trying to treat one person at a time.
Reply:You or a member of your family may need one sometime

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