Sunday, August 22, 2010

Can my doctor withhold my medical records for insurance pmt.?

My doctor from a different city I was in will not send my medical records to my new doctor because my insurance company owes them $285.00. I do not owe them the money, I paid my responsibilty of the bill, I have a Bluecross/Blueshield PPO and it was just an annual visit.

My insurance company is researching this but in the meantime I need my records.

Can my doctor withhold my medical records for insurance pmt.?
~~I do not agree your medical records should be held. It is restricting your medical care. I would contact your state's medical board and file against this doctor. I would also send a certified letter to the doctor who has your records informing him of your action. Your new doctor benefits from having these records to help give you continued medical care.~~
Reply:The doctor is within his rights by withholding the records. The quickest way to get your records is to go ahead and pay the $285 and deal with the insurance company to get a refund afterwards. Otherwise you'll have to wait until the insurance company is done with the research.
Reply:I do not think they should be able to hold your personal records.

You can get a copy of your medical records Free

MIB Report

P.O.Box 105

Essex Station

Boston MA 02112

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