Thursday, August 19, 2010

Hi, What are some possible ideas of what a government can do to decrease the risk of Diabetes, type 2? - Thanx

It is possible to prevent type 2 Diabetes, especially if it is not in one's genes. What are some responsobilities the government can take up to help. For example, so far I have: 1) More medical research 2) Preventive care covered by Health insurance. What are some other possible suggestions? - Thank you for your help.

Hi, What are some possible ideas of what a government can do to decrease the risk of Diabetes, type 2? - Thanx
the feds should gaurentee a decent , gaurenteed nutrional diet to every family on social assistance , or living below poverty level . you cannot be health being raised on sugar pops . schools should offer nutrional lunches at no cost . healthy food for children is not available . yet millions of tons of vegetables , fish , chicken are destroted . the goverment could save a fortune , by purchising this products , making them available to single parents etc . this would decrease farm supplements , and make young peoplwe healthier, more physically and mental healthier . seems to simple it would work .
Reply:The Diabetes Prevention Program (DPP), a major federally funded study of 3,234 people at high risk for diabetes, showed that people can delay and possibly prevent the disease by losing a small amount of weight (5 to 7 percent of total body weight) through 30 minutes of physical activity 5 days a week and healthier eating.

Carefully performed scientific studies show that vaccines do not cause diabetes or increase a person’s risk of developing diabetes. In 2002, the Institute of Medicine reviewed the existing studies and released a report concluding that the scientific evidence favors rejection of the theory that immunizations cause diabetes. The only evidence suggesting a relationship between vaccination and diabetes comes from Dr. John B. Classen, who has suggested that certain vaccines if given at birth may decrease the occurrence of diabetes, whereas if initial vaccination is performed after 2 months of age the occurrence of diabetes increases. Dr. Classen's studies have a number of limitations and have not been verified by other researchers.
Reply:Consider this...diabetic educational classes in school. A recent American Diabetic Assoc study showed that most high school age kids are not controlling their diabetes the way they should be.They only know that if the blood sugar is up, inject more insulin, they don't have proper education about the disease. They are supposed to stay away from sugar and too many carbs and junk food. Instead they are eating what their friends eat so their disease is not so obvious to others. They use more insulin to make up for it. In other words they are using too much insulin and they are gaining weight from the food they are eating. Not only could the schools have diabetes education in school, they could clean up the lunches the serve even more than they say they have in the past. This would help type 2 diabetics (cause there are school age type 2's) and type 1 control their diet a lot easier. Peer pressure is bad, and if the lunches were diabetic friendly, it would help

Type 2 cannot be stopped...many that have it have never been overweight or had bad diets. This is a common misconception. Being over weight and eating junk can contribute to the disease, but do not cause it.

Everyone with diabetes should have educational classes
Reply:The revised nutritional pyramid was a good start but much more information needs to be distributed. How about something on portion control. In our "super size" society many have lost sight of what a normal portion is. Also Social Services should be made available to obese families both adults and children, including sessions with a Licensed Dietitian. More funding for programs that encourage regular exercise would also be a good idea, such as local YMCA's or youth sports programs. Schools facing budget cuts often not only cut out music and arts studies but scale back on sports and fitness programs as well. I also agree with the person who said to do away with soda machines in schools.
Reply:Relax testing rules to allow medications to be available sooner.

Provide funds for education and research.

It is not the government's responsibility to control what people eat. Government health care will be a disaster causing less research on medicines.
Reply:Since most type II Diabetes can be prevented by diet and exercise, Government can...

1. Introduce more physical education programs

2. Introduce good educational program on diet and nutrition

3. Removal of all coke and diet machine in schools...just plain bottled water will do
Reply:Provide information. Controlling diabetes is primarily up to the individual, but alot of insurance companies won't pay for education or provide very inadequate education. A person can't take care of themselves if they aren't informed.
Reply:Definitely reducing the carbs in kids food. High sugar foods cause reactive hypoglycemia, which at very least causes weight gain possibly leading to diabetes later in life.
Reply:may be this article helped for you:
Reply:Stop subsidizing the growing of corn which is used to produce high fructose corn syrup.
Reply:How about reinstating gym class every day instead of just once a week in public schools? An active lifestyle is shown to help prevent Type 2.
Reply:compulsory physical exercise programme can be introduced by govt would be a great thing to prevent diabetes 2
Reply:The government can mandate a substitute for sugar with splenda or something. It will force people to cut back on sugar. Vending machines with healthy snacks, etc...
Reply:better school lunches, with carb watching. school fitness programs that monitor possible obesity factors. blood sugar testing free of charge for students on a schedule basis.
Reply:healthier drinks, no more fast foods, diabetes is a disease that involves the genes so i dont know about that.
Reply:Free testing with basic, easy to understand info.
Reply:eliminate junk food
Reply:i dont think its preventable everyone just has to watch how they eat

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