I have a genetic disease called galactosemia and have a deformed gene in my body. With this condition, my body will not seperate the lactose and succrose from any type of dairy product. The only thing I can do is avoid eating things that this particular gene would normally seperate. However, even after religiously staying on the diet, I still have several health related problems from this condition. If you are a religious person that feels stem cell treatment should be illegal because it "kills" the genes a fetus has, what do you think about Genesis 1:26 that says: "Let us make man in our image, in our likeness, and let them rule over the fish of the sea and birds of the air, over the livestock, over all the earth, and over all the creatures that move along the ground..."? If God meant for humans to rule over the earth then why would he be opposed to humans using stem cell research to cure medical diseases?
Do you feel stem cell research should be illegal?
(In response to the comment that stem cells come from aborted babies) Yes they can come from an aborted fetus, Human embryonic stem cells are derived from fertilized embryos less than a week old. But I think an alternative could be umbilical cord blood banking from a perfectly healthy babys umbilical cord blood that is taken at birth. This in no way harms the baby or the mother. If the cord blood wasnt going to be harvested it would be discared. It would be taken from the umbilical cord after it has been cut away from the infant. There is NO excuse for not using this blood. Families all across America have discovered that saving their childs cord blood can cure diseases in the entire immediate family included (but not limited to) leukemia, diabetes, sicke cell anemia, cancers, etc... But today this is something that is done as a type of insurance for a family. It is not yet a treatment that you can go to a hospital and get if you havent already banked your childs blood. So we can only pray for the contiuence of stem cell research and hope that one day it will be normal that a person who finds out they have leukemia (for example) can walk into a hospital and be treated with these embryonic cells and recover. IN MY OPINION IF WE CAN SAVE LIVES, THEN WHY NOT? I SUPPORT STEM CELL RESEARCH! AND BTW I'M RELIGIOUS
Stem cell research is one of the most promising areas of research right now. Scientists are on the way to finding cures, or better treatments, for many genetic diseases that would otherwise be more severe. They're even finding that adult stem cells are more susceptible to becoming cancerous.
A lot of people who don't support it don't actually know the facts. I can't claim to know a lot of details, but my friend's little sister heard, on the NEWS, that stem cell research was done with aborted babies. I can't believe a reputable news station would actually say something so clearly untrue. I think a lot of people who oppose it would change their minds if they actually learned about it and what it entails.
As for very religious people who feel that we're mucking around in God's territory by doing stem cell research, well, personally, I feel that they are all hypocrites. Case in point (the first thing to pop into my mind): Terry Schiavo. I'm sure everyone remembers how many people were fighting to keep her on the life support machines and thus alive. But technically, Christians should believe that this is interfering with God's plan, because she wouldn't have even still been living without modern scientific technology. They say every person has a right for life. Stem cell research will give more people the right to live, and to live a higher quality of life.
edit (after reading other answers): Stem cell research in no way involves aborting babies. First of all, there are many stem cell lines that already exist which can be used for research. New fetal stem cell lines would be taken from zygotes formed during in vitro fertillization, which will never "become babies" at all. Because people still oppose this, I've heard that scientists are trying to find a way to take stem cells from the placenta that are not part of the developing fetus (this was how a prof described it). It's also true that you can get stem cells from adults, like in bone marrow, but these are not as good as fetal stem cells. Still, in some cases, they might be helpful.
Reply:i think as long as its ment for helping mankind then yes
Reply:I think stem cell research should continue for the sake of people like you, but every other form of cell research should be stopped immediately. If god had wished us to unlock the secrets of chromosomal shortening he'd have included telomeric repeats in the book of Judges.
Apropos of the genesis citation, i think NIH is woefuly deficient in research on methods to dominate creatures that move along the ground. Hamster and serpent control efforts have languished since the 90's and all the hoo-doo over protease inhibitors. I think its high time we had a christian as head of CDC, too.
Reply:No, not at all.
Reply:Yes it should be legal..this isnt about god, its about science.
Reply:Yeah I don't like the idea of abortion. But I think we need it, and it should be allowed.
Also wish they would allowed stem cell research. This is really needed and would save a lot of lives.
Reply:It most assuredly should be legal and supported. Drop welfare and do important research.
Reply:I think stem cell research and treatment resulting from findings should be legal.
Reply:These days they can take stem cells from the bone marrow itself.Since the foetus is no longer involved in this procedure it should make all those opposing stem cell therapy citing death of the foetus feel a whole lot better.This therapy has been responsible for curing a lot of people where the heart muscle was scarred.I think maybe you could adopt the same procedure.Personally I think it should be legalised but solely for curing diseases and not for gene manupulation.
Reply:they should be legal , steam cell can save lots of lives around the world.
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