Sunday, August 22, 2010

Why, after all the science and research, are some religious folk still against the medical use of stem cells?

AP a few minutes ago: "Scientists hope stem cells will cure common form of blindness."

Why, after all the science and research, are some religious folk still against the medical use of stem cells?
We are ALL FOR adult stem cell use which HAS produced many treatmentss and possible cures

We are against embryonic stem cell use because it kills babies and it has NOT produced even one single treatment or cure for any disease

Adult stems are a far better possibility
Reply:its because they dont think its right. i mean do u think that killing embryos is wrong? it technally should not be since they are not really "alive" but religious folk think that its wrong anyway. but if u really think about it, stem cells can cure lots of things and if u have heard the phrase "a life for a life" then u know what im talking about.
Reply:We are not God.
Reply:Because for a start you are talking about science. Most religious people hate science because it's not in the bible. They also feel that it is murder to use embryos. You will never convince them.
Reply:They would probably feel differently if there loved one needed one of the treatments that would be available if there was stem cell research. i hate how religion is constantly holding science down. maybe if they educate themselves they would know exactly how stem cell research worked.
Reply:easy answer..the Difference is when they're from a DEAD ABORTED FETUS!!! adult stem cells have proven just as have the government SUBSIDIZING WITH TAX PAYER MONEY ABORTIONS THEN THEY SUBSIDIZE WITH TAX PAYER DOLLARS THE RESEARCH!!! Those companies in turn give millions to the demoncats in congress to support and subsidize them further!!!

IT's a ponzi scheme that bilks tax payers out of billions! stem cells yes...from murdered children paid for with tax dollars no!!!
Reply:Because there are other ways of obtaining stem cells without killing embryos. These have been largely ignored. Core blood, adult stem cells and more.

For example, a breakthrough in a cure for diabetes was obtained via the patient's OWN adult stem cells.

"Doctors removed the patients' own stem cells from their blood and froze them. The 15 patients received four days of chemotherapy to weaken their immune systems so their bodies would be more receptive to the stem cells when doctors put them back in.

The procedure reportedly was safe in all 15 patients and effective in all but one. 'This is the first time in the history of diabetes that all patients have gone an interval up to three years -- and perhaps longer, only time will tell -- requiring no treatment, no insulin, no immune suppression, no medication at all,' Burt said." (see source below)
Reply:People fear what they don't understand

......but most of all people fear change.
Reply:Adult stem cell research is perfectly reasonable to religious folk. Not only that, it is more likely to provide cures than embryonic stem cell research according to a growing number of scientists. Check out the following:
Reply:They don't understand that the 5 day old embryos being killed are just leftovers from invitro fertilization clinics.
Reply:Many are not concerned with the use of stem cells themselves, but rather the methods from which they are obtained. Just an example, but imagine it from the perspective of someone who believes abortion/destruction of embryos/etc. is murder. Such a person would think of it as the use of murdered children in medical practices. For the rest of us, it seems reasonable because we do not consider embryos to be children at that point. But it should be apparent how much of a difference that distinction can make.
Reply:I think religious people feel that it is infringing on the sanctity of human life. I always found that so ironic. They object to using stem cells because they value human life. If that is the case, why discard of something that could be used to save a human life?
Reply:I suspect a lot of it is because:

They do not understand the science. (And they are not going to put the effort into understanding it either.)

Their pastor tells them to be against it.
Reply:Bush tells them to be that way.
Reply:The premise of your "question" is wrong. I've never heard any "religious folk" speak against stem cell research. I have heard them, as I myself do, speak out against FETAL stem cell research. It makes no sense to take an innocent life for the sake of a process that has not been found to have any advantage over existing techniques, i.e. the use of adult stem cells.
Reply:They are Ignorant about Human %26amp; Soul Life. There is NO Life in the Womb!!! There is Biological Life much as a Tumor only much more specialized. God has NEVER put Man in charge of Creating ANYTHING from ANYTHING!!! These people who supposedly proclaim Belief in the Scriptures don't want to Accept Genesis 2:7 that clearly states that God Imputes the "Breath of Life" and the "Old Sin Nature" at Birth Only!!! They are only willing to function out of the "Emotional Revolt of the Soul" which has them feeling good about Blowing Up Planned Parenthood Buildings!!! I do Not Advocate Abortion as a form of Birth Control, nor would I support it for Harvesting Stem Cells. Abortion is NOT MURDER unless we are talking Partial Birth Abortion and it is only between a woman %26amp; her Dr.!!! John
Reply:I do not believe that embryos should be formed for the purpose of harvesting pluri-potent stem cells.

However, there are thousands (possibly millions) of embryos that are discarded from fertilization clinics every year. This may sound harsh, but those embryos are never going to have a chance for life anyway. I think it would be a beautiful contribution to society if those embryos could be used to save the lives of others.

Most people are against the idea that I first brought up, and it helps them sleep more easily not to think about the second.
Reply:I'm against destroying an innocent life to get them. There are other methods to getting stem cells without killing a life.
Reply:Fundies believe a 3 day old blastocyst (clump of 150 cells) have more rights than an actual child with severe burns or an adult with parkinson's dissease.
Reply:After reading all the answers, and knowing that there is the potential for other ways to get stem cells then "harvesting" embryos, then I think THAT should be the first thing tried.

If you can get stem cells from adults, then why get if from Embryos?

Addition: discowu: that was a really well said answer, thank you
Reply:well i am not religous but i still think it is wrong to steal life from youth just to make some old people live 5 seconds longer.
Reply:Listen to the liberally biased media %26amp; liberal propaganda much? Don't believe everything that you hear or that is implied by the media. Get the facts first.

A great majority of 'religious folk' are *not* at all against the medical use of *adult* stem cells or even stem cells from placenta %26amp; umbilical cords! And those areas (*not* embryonic stem cell research) is where all of the advancements are actually being made. This is happening with the use of private funds by the way.

The only reason that the media wants you to believe that 'religious folk' are against stem cells (by not ever bothering to make a distinction between adult %26amp; embryonic stem cells) is to push through tax payer supported embryonic stem cell reasearch because they are making no progress on their own with private funds.

What 'religious folk' *are* against is the state %26amp; federal government forcing them as tax payers to pay for *embryonic* stem cell research which necessitates the destruction of human life. One of God's Commandments is "Thou shalt not murder" (Exodus 20). So if tax payers are to fund embryonic stem cell research, they are indirectly forced to pay for the destruction of human life. (How would you feel if you had lived in Nazi Germany %26amp; Hitler forced you by way of taxes to pay for the mass murdering of Jews? Same thing for people like me.) While much of society is still fighting for their right to kill defenseless human life for their right to 'privacy' or 'quality of life', we are fighting for our right to *not have to kill* other humans! What is so wrong with that?

By the way, I suffer from a chronic invisible illness that is disabling. I long to have an effective treatment, but I absolutely don't want unethical medical treatments just so I feel better. This is a temporal life--what is important is my eternal life. This is another reason I can confidently %26amp; 100% be against embryonic stem cell research.
Reply:Then scientists will prove that they can HEAL better than your local psycho filled with the Holy Spirit of Satan.


What's the name of this medical disorder.....?

I'm trying to do research on this medical disorder but I do not know what it's officially called to find any information on it.

The disorder:

People who actually think themselves sick, by believing they're sick.

A person who believes they're ill, even though they're really not ill, actually become ill by the belief that they are.

Not unlike a parent who tells their child every day that something is mentally wrong with them, that they're retarded and the child then ends up in special education classes and believes they are mentally retarded...

Although the last example is not exactly what I am trying to find information on it gives an example..

I want to know how to find out about people who actually make themselves sick just by thinking that they are... is there a name for this?

I was looking up Psychosomatic, but that's actually quite different, from my understanding that's worrying yourself into sickness, over whatever worry you have... very different.


What's the name of this medical disorder.....?
What you are describing is called Munchausen's Syndrome (making yourself ill); Munchausen's Syndrome by Proxy is when you make someone else ill.

is that it?
Reply:don't know
Reply:Its called Hyprochondria, and the person, a hyprochondriac.

Here's some really good information on it, but you seem to already have a lot.
Reply:It's not hypochondria - that's worrying about being sick, but it doesn't actually -make- you sick. You were spot on with psychosomatic: mental factors which directly translate into physical illnesses. Oh, and Munchausen's is the deliberate faking of illness for attention, which is of course, completely different!
Reply:Yes, there is a name for it. It's called being a "hypochondriac". (hypo con dree ack) would be the way you pronounce it.

What are some important topics in biological/medical science?

I have to do a research paper on a topic of my choice. It must be recent and a breakthrough in biology/medicine. Any ideas?

What are some important topics in biological/medical science?
We focused a lot on the vaccine against HPV in my current health issues class last semester
Reply:stem cell and the cloning of the monkey


What would a minor in secondary education entail or allow me to do?

I will be going off to college in August. My current major and minors are Microbiology with Chemistry and Secondary Education.

Chemistry is included for any Micro Major. I'm just wondering if I can still get a certification for teaching in Illinois if I only have a minor in Secondary Ed.

I'm not quite sure where I want to go with my life yet, but I know I either want to work either in medical research or teaching, most likely research. I'd really like to have a backup plan, hence the Secondary Ed. minor.

I'm a pretty good student, head of my class, and 30 ACT.

Also, with my major being what it is, would that minor be worth it?

I'd like information from someone who might have had a similar experience.

Any other suggestions are greatly appreciated though. Thanks!

What would a minor in secondary education entail or allow me to do?
The minor would guarantee that that you can teach high-school Chem in at least Illinois. Most teaching certificates are valid in several other states as well. A great and thoughtful backup plan.


What are some important topics in biological/medical science?

I have to do a research paper on a topic of my choice. It must be recent and a breakthrough in biology/medicine. Any ideas?

What are some important topics in biological/medical science?
genetic engeneering

stem cell research

medical lawsuits


ethics of medicine


How do you break down the top medical schools?

I know there are primary care vs research, but I have heard there are other ways to break it down into subcategories.

How do you break down the top medical schools?

Despite its flaws, the US News rankings are considered the authority on school rankings. Yes there are others, but people only use them when actively looking for an excuse to place a particular school above what it's ranked in the US News rankings.

Of course, don't go strictly by the rankings. And based on your previous question, apply to a ton more schools than just the top ranked ones. You may have been the top of your class in high school, but everyone else at Berkeley is as well so you'll rapidly find things aren't quite as easy as they were in high school. More importantly, just cuz a school is high ranking doesn't mean it'll be the best fit for you. If you hate it there, you might not do as well and thus hurting your chances at a good residency.

What are the best websites to research information about Hypertension symptoms and home/doctor treatment?

Detailed websites that give information on High blood pressure medications, treatment, and diagnosis. Also, what causes high-blood pressure and what to look for since "high blood pressure is a silent killer" amoungest Americans today.One more thing; information on medical breakthrough for thedisease and amybe a doctor's forum where patients and doctor's alike can give responses to medically asked questions.

What are the best websites to research information about Hypertension symptoms and home/doctor treatment?
look up jnc 7:

Using a differential manometer to measure pressure generated by small syringes.?

I need some help for some medical research. i want to measure the "negative" pressure generated by small syrignes of about volume 5 -10 ml I have a digitron 2082 differential manometer for this. My problem is that there is some dead space between the syringe and the measuring membrane, and i feel that it may influence the results, becuase the air in the dead space may expand. how can i get rid of this dead space? can i fill it with water, or is there some other liquid that i can use with out damaging the manometer ?

Using a differential manometer to measure pressure generated by small syringes.?
If medical field is so short on money maybe you should.....Hey wait a minute, haven't all the biggest, grandest, most ostentatious, gaudy, overdone, swimming pools that I have ever built been done for Doctors? Maybe you should switch to brain surgeon or something. (Lol, just kidding)

As for your manometer, I can't give any better advice than READ THE OWNER'S MANUAL. Hello, never operate any equipment without fully reading the owner's manual. How do you even know that you are even working the manometer correctly.

And as I is just a poor engineer, I has never seen nothin so fancy as a digital manometer. Why don't you just use a good, old fashioned slack-tube manometer, already has water in it, even measures in good old fashioned inches of water column. But anyway, I hope that this helped you,

Good luck on your research
Reply:The dead space won't affect your measurement. Air will compress and expand but if you're only interested in pressure you should be able to read that value regardless of volumetric differences due to gas expansion/contraction.

Pressure at either end of that dead space will equilibrate and yield the same value.
Reply:Allow for it in your calculations

Ever heard of Experimental error?
Reply:You've posted quite a few fairly trivial questions here about your research. Are you sure you're really up to it?

tooth bleaching

Would you worry about this if you were a principal at a middle school?

Suppose the science teacher had a friend who is a student in a medical research program at the local university. The science teacher would like her friend to come in and talk to the class about DNA and show the students how to extract their own DNA from cells sloughed off the insides of their cheeks. Would you be concerned about students extracting their DNA because of 9-11?

The principal at one school was, but I want to know what YOU think.

Would you worry about this if you were a principal at a middle school?

first - this sounds like a very interesting way to learn and become involved with science. Basically, it brings it back to "the person" - that each has something different from the other.

Outside of the basic "copyright" of one's own DNA, I for one do not see the link between teaching "how to extract" and that of "9-11-01". Am I missing something here? Maybe you could clarify what you mean and/or what the intent of the question is and the association (that you understand it to be) with the terrorist act and the association of identifying people after the event.

Have a good day!


thanks for choosing me. Briefly, after the kids do this will the results be kept somewhere? That is the only concern that I have or would have as a parent. Other than this there is no reasonable expectation that I am able to conjure up as a "link" or connection. Report Abuse

Reply:I don't see what 9-11 has to do with a science class. I don't see the connection at all. I think maybe don't do the students. Maybe offer that you use your own and collect samples for the students to work with. I think it is a hands on thing and a very interesting way to learn and understand DNA. If you are very concerned, maybe call each parent, or send home a permission slip, and a gaurantee that the dna samples would be disposed of.
Reply:I don't see what 9-11 has to do with it either, but when I was in middle school we did that. It's not like we gave them the little stick and the shipped it off to a lab to analyze it, we just threw it away.

Amnesia – Medical Treatment?

Just doing a little research. If you were in an accident, and brought to a hospital, and you could not remember anything (Amnesia). Before they release you, do they give you a perscription for it? Theropy? Just doing a little medical research for a story I am working on.

Amnesia – Medical Treatment?

Try this link and see if you get your answers.
Reply:i was going to answer this ut i forgot why i was here
Reply:therapy. and the state or city would step in. you would be put in a home or hospital until they could figure out what to do with u.most likely forget about u.

I'm a High School senior, I want to go into the medical field but don't know what major to take, suggestions?

I am currently a high school senior. I have been accepted to many universities, including the school of my choice, Cal State Fullerton. I really want to go into the medical field, but I am confused on what major I should take. One of my choices is becoming a physician's assistant but I need to know what it takes to become one. I have been doing all kinds of research, but I have not decided on a major or the actual career that I want to get. I have taught of major in Health Science because it is one of the majors offered in the university that I am going to, but I need more feedback on what kind of things I can do with this major. I am very confused and would like some feedback on these topics!

I'm a High School senior, I want to go into the medical field but don't know what major to take, suggestions?

most colleges probably have a specific course of instruction for pre-med
Reply:Sounds like you are doing pretty well in school, my question is why would you want to be a physicians assistant, why not be the physician???? Don't sell yourself short, shoot as high as you can because if it's what you want, you CAN do it.

You have to decide on which direction to take, it you decide to go for it and become a doctor, then you have lots of time to decide an area of speciality.

I wish you luck, maybe you are the one who will put a stop to cancer!
Reply:Call Cal State's admissions office, or call their Health Science department, or browse around their website. It's their job to make you want to go there and to recruit you for their major, so they'll have lots of information on what you can do with certain majors, as well as what Cal State grads in particular go on to do.

Will getting a masters, getting >3.5gpa in the program, help getting into medical school?

I have been accepted to a forensic science masters program at drexel and have been accepted to Ross Medical University in the Caribbean. I am leaning towards getting my masters and then possibly med school afterwards if i still want to go to school. I rather not go a caribbean school even though I know alot of people who have and have done extensive research on the big four. Just wondering will doing well in my masters program compensate for my poor undergraduate gpa? and help me get into a US Med School?

Will getting a masters, getting %26gt;3.5gpa in the program, help getting into medical school?
How are your MCATs? If those are weak, too, a masters--even with stellar grades--will likely do very little to make you more appealing to US medical schools.

If your UGPA and MCATs happen to both be weak, do you have an explanation for the poor previous performance? Can you make a compelling argument that some circumstance has changed such that you will not have similar troubles in your medical school career? Is there a reason you believe you can get a 3.5 for a masters when your UG performance was lower?

have perfect teeth

Medical degree?

I've always been interested in medical research for new treatments. Which degree would be most appropriate and can you tell me what it involves and if it would suit me?

Medical degree?
New treatments can best be studied via degrees in virology, genetics, oncology, and pathology. It depends on whether you want to work in drug development and so on... but having a good background in these courses gives you the tools you need for understanding diseases. You can start with an undergraduate major in biology, and as you're exposed to the different aspects of the field, you will learn where to take your degree within no time. A masters or PhD is usually required in research - to get the best jobs, loans, and make the most money, of course.
Reply:Medical research would probably suit a chemistry degree most if you want to look for drugs,

A genetics degree if you want to look at disorders such as cystic fibrosis

And a biology degree or micro biology if you want to look at pathogens, e.g. bacteria or nematodes.
Reply:Possibly Medical Anthropology

* the development of systems of medical knowledge and medical care

* the doctor and patient relationship

* the integration of alternative medical systems in culturally diverse environments

* the interaction of social, environmental and biological factors which influence health and illness both in the individual and the community as a whole

* the impact of biomedicine and biomedical technologies in non-Western settings

How can we really punish rapist like the Ipswich b@stard?

I favour some form of castration and longer prison sentences. I also think they should be given over for medical research.

Any other ideas

How can we really punish rapist like the Ipswich b@stard?
rapist? honey hes a murderer
Reply:The word 'rapist' is quickly becoming debased. It still conjurs up the image of the knife wielding stranger, or similar, which hitherto gave rise to the seriousness of the offence, and still would. Except now, feminists are using it cover minor sexual offences. Men, check it out. Report Abuse

Reply:Put them on an island far away from any land and attach razors to their gentails.
Reply:I'm all for castration !!
Reply:As far as I know he's not a rapist but a murderer
Reply:he should be charged and be sent to prison for life
Reply:Hang the bastard by his balls until he dies!!!!
Reply:or maybe they should be forced to have sex with *****
Reply:A good public lynching. Hang him high by his testicals.

Dude you know Britain he will be "rehabillitated" in about 4 years out in 5 and whilst the therapists are patting themselves on the back for their success and promotions he will have an unfortunate "relapse" and do it again.

The truth is ugly but these people are like this theres no place for them in society in the end of the day what they want hurts people and is not acceptable he should be removed permanently.
Reply:I don't think castration is the answer! You are making yourself no better than the rapist with this attitude. Longer sentences in harsher conditions is what this country needs. The Kray Twins served over 30 years for murder, why is it now that a murderer can be free at around 7 years. We should increase sentences for murder, rape, paedophillia and all child sex crimes. Where's the deterant for these criminals. Surely if a murderer was sentenced to 30+ years and kept in his/her cell 23 hours a day with an hour for excercise it would show that this country is not prepared to pussyfoot around the criminals. Never mind the human rights of the criminals what about the human rights of the victims!

I also agree with Roxie, if you do bad things it eventually comes back to bite you on the ****!
Reply:200 hours community service and a promise that he wont do it again,lucky i am in a good mood
Reply:If you do bad things to others, than bad things should be done to you. Worse things.
Reply:What are you - a police officer on the case ??? You seem to have all the details before anyone else. Were they raped then ??? Sure you're not part of it ???
Reply:How then, would we be better than people like that morally, if we sank to their level?
Reply:slide a glass rod up inside his junk then insert a syringe full of gasoline inside his junk then light it on fire! he can either let it burn or put out the fire smashing the glass inside his junk. either way he is punished for life and rendered harmless to future victims while most if not all of the victims will be vindicated%26gt;OH-YEAH this should be done publicly for humiliation reasons as well
Reply:not a rapist

a murderer

look up the meaning of rape
Reply:Put Him in a room with the victims relatives!!!!!














Reply:make him live out his days in ipswich.

now thats justice.
Reply:As far as I know,nothing has been said about rape,do you know something that the rest of us don't? I think that it is advisable to keep quiet until the true facts are known, speculation breeds confusion!
Reply:How can we really Punish the Ipswitch Murderer?as usual we are limited by the "Soft" Laws of the Land --- Give Maximum sentence -- Life of "Comfort" ------ Parole in short time -- Release --- In Reality = these are the Bloody Silly Options we are Faced With ---- The Victims and their Family,s ????? Sadly---- They don,t Count -- and thats not the Fault of the Police -- Just the P I S S A R T I S T, S That make and adminiter the Law
Reply:If you are talking about the five Ipswich murders. You should be ashamed of yourself reducing it to a feminist rant about rape. They were murdered, infinitely worse than being raped. Regrettably, they were well used to providing sex for money. So, if prostitutes don't get paid, they haven't been raped, they are just owed money. But, under the circumstances, that is irrelevant. Remember, prostitutes exploit the male sex urge for money. Also, feminists have broadened the definition of rape to such an extent, that true rape has been debased. I think feminists should be given over to medical science. Hate mongers.
Reply:For murdering these women - his life should be taken. It should not be pleasant and "humane".

How about tying his hands behind his back and letting the victims families beat him with baseball bats until he is nothing but a bloody pulp?

It would be a slow and painful death and good therapy for the victims families! It's a win - win!
Reply:Totally agree with 'niccog26' saying "I don't think castration is the answer! You are making yourself no better than the rapist with this attitude. Longer sentences in harsher conditions is what this country needs. The Kray Twins served over 30 years for murder, why is it now that a murderer can be free at around 7 years. We should increase sentences for murder, rape, paedophillia and all child sex crimes. Where's the deterant for these criminals. Surely if a murderer was sentenced to 30+ years and kept in his/her cell 23 hours a day with an hour for excercise it would show that this country is not prepared to pussyfoot around the criminals. Never mind the human rights of the criminals what about the human rights of the victims!"

Are you not using a provocative picture for your avatar?
Reply:tie him up, blind fold him let some big beast of a man at him, i hear they have arrested some man i hope it is him so people can relax a bit more
Reply:Kruger it is hanged when you are talking about execution not hung.
Reply:He may be mentally ill. A mentally ill woman recently got away with burning her son to death, so should we let the killer, not rapist free. Fairs fair
Reply:castrate, labotomize, mark on the face,

and give them the option of the mark of the beast and exile.
Reply:Castration is the best
Reply:umm, probably be deleted, pull his nails off, then chop his toes off, then his willy, then his ears, then his hands and just keep chopping really until he dead hahaha, that will teach him

What can we do to BETTER concentrate our financial and intellectual resources towards the cure for cancer?

The USA is by far the world's leader in medical research funding, productivity and knowledge. Yet by ALL measures we are not doing enough. We NEED to "crack some heads together" and bring the best minds into a "room" and force them to come to some solutions (typical and atypical solutions).

Almost half the people alive today will have cancer in their lifetimes.

That's a damn epidemic. And what are we doing about it? If you went back and added up all the budgets for the National Cancer Institute over the past THREE DECADES, we spent as much money on cancer as we spend in Iraq in NINE MONTHS.

It's time for a bold initiative to combat this disease which kills 560,000 Americans every year.

What can we do to BETTER concentrate our financial and intellectual resources towards the cure for cancer?
Improve our patent system to more surely reward the person(s) inventing the cure(s).
Reply:1.To drink scientifically.No strong drinks!!!.No wrongs drinks.2.To eat also in a scientific way.Not too much.3.To maintain the physical condition with exercises.4.Good home conditions.5.Good work conditions.6.Better division of countries Budjet[founds]between citizens.So long,one man spend few billions$ and another man spend few$ will be so.7.Good conditions for sleep.The medicine must help people with drops,not to drink strong drinks,the greatest danger for man.The men is born stupid.Just science may help US.8.To make more money;I understand not to be food,but not to make money.!For the future man,the work it is life,and money like water,but carefully!
Reply:Proper intelligence would save many lives. Unfortunately diversity also breeds disopinion, thus war. Billions could be funneled into medicine instead. Also, the Red Tape from the methods of the FDA make it difficult !

What can we do to BETTER concentrate our financial and intellectual resources towards the cure for cancer?

The USA is by far the world's leader in medical research funding, productivity and knowledge. Yet by ALL measures we are not doing enough. We NEED to "crack some heads together" and bring the best minds into a "room" and force them to come to some solutions (typical and atypical solutions).

Almost half the people alive today will have cancer in their lifetimes.

That's a damn epidemic. And what are we doing about it? If you went back and added up all the budgets for the National Cancer Institute over the past THREE DECADES, we spent as much money on cancer as we spend in Iraq in NINE MONTHS.

It's time for a bold initiative to combat this disease which kills 560,000 Americans every year.

What can we do to BETTER concentrate our financial and intellectual resources towards the cure for cancer?
put more money into education.. mathematics combined with biology
Reply:You're underestimating the money being spent on cancer. The NCI doesn't have an exclusive on it. Much of the the NIH's money is allocated to cancer. Things like the human genome program are illuminating important information that cancer researchers are using.

Then add to that private industry--many companies are spending billions of dollars developing therapies for cancer.

Sadly, cancer is not "one" illness. It is potentially hundreds of diseases. In fact, a lot of progress has been made on a few types of cancer. There's still quite a bit more that needs to be learned, but there are hundreds of thousands of people (perhaps millions) working to solve the problem of cancer.

It isn't something that will have one cure, and it won't be something that we solve quickly by "cracking some heads together."

Cancer will be cured not only through developing drugs specific to cancer itself, but will also require much better understanding of biology. That will come through further expansion of human genome projects (there's now a project under discussion to identify the genetic variances in many types of cancer tissues), the proteome, research on inflammation and metabolism, bioinformatic techniques, etc. Things like computer technology, software, microchips, robotics, optics, imaging technology, the Internet--all of those things also contribute to curing cancer, although you might not think of it at first.

Ultimately, the limiting factor isn't money. It's people. At a certain point, throwing more money at cancer doesn't do anything if the scientists don't exist who want to solve the problem. The most important thing we can do to cure cancer, and to meet the challenges of the next few decades is to make things like calculus, writing, biology, physics and chemistry really interesting for people to learn.


What type of major would be right for me?

Not yet ready for college as I haven't graduated from highschool yet, but I was curious...

Diseases (cancer, diabetes) intrigue me, as do finding cures for them, and providing support for those who have whatever disease it is.

Is this: nursing, pre-med, medical research, or something else entirely? I'm not too sure about what these majors are about; any clarification helps.

What type of major would be right for me?
Nursing will allow you to take care of people who are sick and who may have these ailments or diseases. Nursing is a noble profession and we certainly need more.

If you want to do research (ie; finding a cure), then you will need to have more knowledge. This means that you will need to pursue medicine (MD, or perhaps PhD). Know that "pre-med" is not specifically a degree choice, but rather a goal (there is no such degree as pre-med). I think that you are on the right track in conducting preliminary research. My advice is that you contact or otherwise volunteer for assistance with nursing, doctoring, or research, in order to get a clearer understanding of what these are all about. This way, you will be better able to make an intelligent choice. Good luck.

From what you listed, it sounds like you're interested in the health sciences.

When you get into college, you can't go wrong taking a "pre-med" curriculum. This is a standard curriculum of courses that you generally need to get into medical school. Google "pre-med curriculum" and you'll see the courses that are prescribed.

You can't go wrong taking it. You'll get a strong foundation to go in any health care direction, whether it's into nursing or into medical school.

Nursing is a clinical field in which you work with physicians to basic health care services by following up on doctor's orders. You can get your RN in as little as two years through a community college.

But if you want to get an advanced degree in nursing, you'll benefit by taking a pre-med curriculum.

To prepare for college while In high school, take all the chemistry and biological science, psychology and English courses you can.
Reply:I think you might also want to look into biochemistry. It's not my interest, but it's my lovers and I've been reading a little bit about the program. You can take it into studying disease pathology and health sciences.

Also, talk to some of the recruiters and advisors from universities that you are considering.

What percent of people bitten by a tick develop lyme disease?

Does anyone have a link to definitive medical research on the specific question? Thanks.

What percent of people bitten by a tick develop lyme disease?
If the tick isn't infected, than the person who gets bitten won't catch anything. Are you asking how many people bitten by INFECTED ticks actually get sick? That may depend upon whether the tick was removed before it could transmit the bacteria--or not. May also depend upon how strong your personal immune system is. More useful questions are: have you been bitten by a tick? Do you think you might have LYme disease? If so, get it checked out.

What do you think of the book "The Antidepressant Survival Program" by Hedaya?

What I am seeking to find out is whether you experts out there think that Dr. Hedaya is way out in left field or if his proposals in this book have actually been corroborated by formal medical research.

For those of you who have read the book and attempted to follow the program how well did it help you? Specifics wouldn't hurt.

If anyone has a link to a good review or critique of the book online I wouldn't mind having it.

Thanks all!

What do you think of the book "The Antidepressant Survival Program" by Hedaya?
Review: Look at link for more.

As a medical author who has preached and written about nutritional/orthomolecular medicine over the years, I was very, very impressed with Dr. Hedaya's book; finally, we have a bona-fide physician with powerful credentials (Professor of Psychiatry at Georgetown U., I believe) who extolls the benefits---not only of super nutrition in the treatment of depression, but of the food allergy connection (long disputed for its relationship to mood but clinically understood by 'fringe' clinicians for 50 years); hypoglycemia (remember that syndrome? it hasn't gone anywhere!); thyroid function (many doctors prescribe standard thyroid tests which may often miss more subtle defects in that organs' function, but Dr. Hedaya explains exactly what tests are needed to uncover these subtle defects and their connection to depression); vitamins (he actually recommends B-complex in the 50mg. range along with B-12 injections when necessary); adrenal function, and many others. Hedaya even includes notes that your doctor can read regarding testing (kind of like he calling your doctor on your behalf to convey information which is not always put into practice). Very well done.

If there is a slight negative to the book, Hedaya doesn't really endorse St. John's Wort (but does includes fair reasons why there may be some concerns regarding its use and does mention a qualified distributor) or Sam-E (which I have read is fairly safe, and has passed some clinical scrutiny in the treatment of depression). Also, Hedaya doesn't appear to make any mention of 5-HTP (the modern-day tryptophan derivative which has been shown in a number of clinical studies, to naturally and therapeutically improve brain levels of serotonin---the chemical implicated in many depressions). Nor are the very serious side of effects of Paxil withdrawl dealt with in any substantial way (only to say gradual withdrawl is the rule of thumb). I have seen, for example, some studies suggesting that there are nutrient remedies involving glutathione transport(?) which can significantly reduce Paxil side-effects which many support groups on the web report as horrible.

Having said all of this, I would still highly recommend Hedaya's book, as 90% of it is excellent, timely, informative, and deals with the medicine/nutrient connection in a way I haven't seen since Durk Pearson's book, Life Extension, first appeared over 2 decades ago. Finally, highly credentialed physicians in the medical establishment are 'getting it.' Bravo!

Bush's Veto For Stem Cell Research?

Was it right? My Opinion:

My father has been living with MS for more than 5 years. Auto-immue diseases run in our family and stem cell research would really help. I took his veto very personall and frankly I'm pissed off. And to top things off, in CA we have I think 3 billion dollars that are supposed to be used for stem cell research under consideration in court. When did medical research every become an issue of morals? Letting someone die doesn't sound like following morals at all.

What are your opinons?

Bush's Veto For Stem Cell Research?
As usual, Bush does as he likes. When he came to office he backtracked on all the Kyoto protocols which was being put in place by other developed countries to save the Earth.

Now he's vetoing stem cell research just because it against his beliefs.

He has never done anything that is of the best interests of the majority public. He has always in favour of the few that is close to him.
Reply:There has been documented data that the blood, and stem cells used from cord blood is helpful, to M.S. patients. When a Child is born. The problem is that the procedure has to be set up in advance, so the process can be done.

God Bless Your Dad and You Report Abuse

Reply:I think the veto of the bill is stupid.because when it comes to war ,killing innocent people to successfully kill other people is a perfectly exceptional thing.but when it comes to saveing lives without taking anything he puts his foot down.Collateral damage is fine when your takeing lives..but not when your saveing them.Bush is a douche.Plane and simple.
Reply:Don't blame Mr Busch, he is our president and do fulfill the will of the voters who might have voted for him. It is called democracy.
Reply:No it wasn't right because while Gov. of Texas he let hundreds die in prison death penalty.

But the reason he used was saying that all life is precious. That is being two-faced either save all lives or don't.

Murder is murder whether it's a cell or an evil adult. We should rise above.
Reply:You are 100% right!! There is alot that Stem Cell can do for alot of people...they have even said they can find more cures for Cancer....Bush was wrong in doing that...
Reply:Can you say Theocracy? Blame the "conservative Christians" for the utter stupidity of our president.

I believe in Christ but I also believe in separation of church and state so did our founding forefathers.
Reply:It's not about morals, it's about President Shrub trying to look good to the religious wackos.

Bush is trying to impose his religious beliefs on everyone. The bible thumpers are followers who do whatever the leader does, so it makes it easier for Bush to get away with what he's been doing in our name.

Whatever happened to separation of church and state? (And before some religious wacko says there's no such thing, try actually reading the entire constitution and bill of rights first...the first people in the English colonies were fleeing the religious impostions of the English king...trying to win freedom from another religion. The Founding Fathers of our nation wanted that to never happen in this country, yet it is happening.)

To all of the christians who think bush is some kind of would you like it if someday in the near future, another president imposed his religion on the country, but it wasn't YOURS?

It's sad that Bushwacker used his vewwy fusst veto on something religion-driven. He should have been focusing on the good such research would do.
Reply:i think it was wrong,stem cell research can prevent and cure diseases its useful...i bet if one of bush's parents had a disease he would have had a second thought

home teeth cleaning

What can we do to BETTER concentrate our financial and intellectual resources towards the cure for cancer?

The USA is by far the world's leader in medical research funding, productivity and knowledge. Yet by ALL measures we are not doing enough. We NEED to "crack some heads together" and bring the best minds into a "room" and force them to come to some solutions (typical and atypical solutions).

Almost half the people alive today will have cancer in their lifetimes.

That's a damn epidemic. And what are we doing about it? If you went back and added up all the budgets for the National Cancer Institute over the past THREE DECADES, we spent as much money on cancer as we spend in Iraq in NINE MONTHS.

It's time for a bold initiative to combat this disease which kills 560,000 Americans every year.

What can we do to BETTER concentrate our financial and intellectual resources towards the cure for cancer?
Well, instead of focusing on a war on terror, we could focus on a war on cancer. If you're a scientist or doctor whose field relates to cancer in some way, or if you're aspiring to be such a person, then finding a cure for cancer should be your initiative. Not only will you help all the people afflicted with this illness, but you will also be very famous. So governments ought to devote more money by giving grants and encouraging people to grow up and research a cure.

When researching, you should be responsible and not selfish. Don't publish papers with false evidence or mislead the public just for the sake of your fame. You should sincerely be looking for a cure.

As for those people who aren't directly related to the scientific research of cancer, we can still try to help in whatever way possible. For instance, participate in the American Cancer Society's Relay for Life (I'm a participant). Even if you can't actively do it, you can give money to people who come to your house for fundraising or through the American Cancer Society website (see Sources area). There are countless other organizations that try to raise funds and give grants to extraordinary cancer researchers. You should also just generally support this effort for a cure. I'm sure most of us have been affected by cancer in some way; we may have los a relative, friend, or neighbor to this dreadful thing.

Ultimately, what we ought to do is encourage a culture that incubates the effort to find a cure for cancer, and only then will we maximize our chances of achieving this demanding albeit rewarding goal.
Reply:Yes, cancer is bad. Report Abuse

Reply:By making everyone aware of Dr Holts radiowave therapy.
Reply:I don't think wee will see a cure for a decease that has become such a big business and the minds that can come up with a cure are mysteriously disappearing around 11 of the worlds best microbiologist disappeared died under questionable circumstances

Would you want medical researchers to have access to your records without your consent?

Would you want medical researchers to have access to your records without your consent?
If it was done in a way that was totally anonymous. I think it could really help advance our medical knowledge when it comes to diagnosing primary and secondary effects of illnesses. The links between lifestyle and affliction. It's really not an invasion of privacy to say "this one guy has hemroids, diabetes and had his tonsils removed when he was 10". However, if a name is attached and the patient is able to be traced, it would be.
Reply:no, not that I wouldn't give consent cuz I've got nothing to hide, but I'd like the option of giving it. not being able to give consent would make me feel violated.
Reply:Why not? In the future that information might save someone else who had the same thing I had.
Reply:oh no!!!!!!

they shld ask 4 my permission so i can say NO!
Reply:I guess so if I had nothing to hide
Reply:No--nah--no way
Reply:I don't have anything to hide but I don't want anyone to have access to any information about me without my consent. It's too much of a slippery slope. I don't even use my real name on myspace.
Reply:hmm good question,,, although i haev nothing to hide its not their business kinda

i wouldnt mind if it was life threatening

Research on primates?

We are having a debate in class today and I need help. What are some arguments against medical research on primates for human benefit? If you can direct me to a website, that would also be very helpful. Thanks!

Research on primates?
Reply:Type in

Then type in the search box:

End medical research on primates

Lots of websites with lots of info

Do most medical schools weigh more on upperdivision courses?

I currently have a GPA slightly below a 3.0, but still have over 100 units to go (I'm a bioengineering student with a minor). I had a rough start at university, but according to my academic counselor, I still have the ability to graduate university with a GPA of 3.5. I've been doing well in my upperdivision courses (aced organic chemistry courses) and hopefully will do well in my engineering upperdivs.

My first two years at uni I didn't do so well because I was really spreading myself thin (helping start up a medical clinic in Africa, working as an undergrad research associate in a laboratory, heavy involvement in several community service organizations, etc). I'm a first generation university student in my family and learned the hard way the consequences of poor time management.

I was wondering if medical schools, as well as graduate schools in general, weighed upper division courses more than lower division courses.


Do most medical schools weigh more on upperdivision courses?
Graduate schools yes, medical schools no. Most grad schools won't care so much what you got in into bio if you aced everything after that. Med schools, on the other hand, generally don't require upper division bio courses at all, or chem beyond organic. The reason is that people can major in all kinds of humanities areas and still apply to med schools with just a few science classes. So you generally need to do well in those intro courses they require, more than the upper division courses they don't. All schools like to see improvement over your four years, though, which is something.

false teeth

Do most medical schools weigh more on upperdivision courses?

I currently have a GPA slightly below a 3.0, but still have over 100 units to go (I'm a bioengineering student with a minor). I had a rough start at university, but according to my academic counselor, I still have the ability to graduate university with a GPA of 3.5. I've been doing well in my upperdivision courses (aced organic chemistry courses) and hopefully will do well in my engineering upperdivs.

My first two years at uni I didn't do so well because I was really spreading myself thin (helping start up a medical clinic in Africa, working as an undergrad research associate in a laboratory, heavy involvement in several community service organizations, etc). I'm a first generation university student in my family and learned the hard way the consequences of poor time management.

I was wondering if medical schools, as well as graduate schools in general, weighed upper division courses more than lower division courses.


Do most medical schools weigh more on upperdivision courses?
Graduate schools yes, medical schools no. Most grad schools won't care so much what you got in into bio if you aced everything after that. Med schools, on the other hand, generally don't require upper division bio courses at all, or chem beyond organic. The reason is that people can major in all kinds of humanities areas and still apply to med schools with just a few science classes. So you generally need to do well in those intro courses they require, more than the upper division courses they don't. All schools like to see improvement over your four years, though, which is something.

Statistics on how much better animal testing is then the alternatives?

i'm doing a research paper on animal testing and i couldn't find any good statistics with the source. and this is just for medical research. thanks!

Statistics on how much better animal testing is then the alternatives?
There are no alternatives. What people speak of as alternatives are actually preliminaries. The animal phase still has to be done. And since each drug is its own unique entity, there can't be any valid statistics overall.

Why does Bush allow 1500 people to die daily in America?

Bush has cut research funds for medical and cancer research! 1500 die of cancer daily, yet when Lance Armstrong went to the White House to ask for one million dollars for cancer research, he was turned down! Yet billions are spent in Iraq every month. And his restriction of embryonic stem cell research is an abomination. The embryos are being discarded instead of used for research. The man has no science background, and really does not care about humanity. How come conservative Christians don't care when the embryos are thrown away? Hypocracy. Bush invades Iraq, spends billions on this unnecessary war, and medical research suffers.people suffer.

Why does Bush allow 1500 people to die daily in America?
George Bush doesn't care about sick people. the President has THAT MUCH POWER? He is now the only person in the world who can provide the cure (or the necessary funds to research a cure) for cancer? What about all those corporations and organizations that are NOT contributing to medical research? The President is not to blame for every single thing that does not go your way. Medical research into a cure for cancer has been going on for DECADES! One president's change in funding is not going to change things. How about all the people studying cancer coming together into one massive research effort? Has that completely occured yet?

People have been suffering in this nation since it's inception. Unfortunately, the quality of people these days is much less than in previous years. We used to help each other out when we were in need. Now all we do is sit back and blame the president. Not the government...just the president. It's a shame.
Reply:He doesn't, money doesn't grow on trees. President Bush is not God and cant take care of every person in the US.
Reply:Oh, and he has that hurricane coming close to Texas so gas will go up again....hmm.
Reply:For the same reason Bill Clinton screwed around on his wife. BECAUSE HE IS ALLOWED TO DO SO!
Reply:I swear to My Deity, This president has to be the most powerful thing in the universe. I think he's more powerful than the "force"
Reply:Don't forget the 450K who die annually in car wrecks. (Bush's fingerprints are all over that too, eh?)

War in Iraq less that 1% gross domestic product.

I voted for bush. I say have at those embryos. Go for it! Whatever! :D
Reply:beause he a dumb *** and people voted for him 2 twice i bet he even had something to do for 9/11 he porblay knew but he was to lazy to do something about it now he letting thoese familes suffer he should just hire someone to boom the moutians and end the war

How many surgeons have been wounded/killed by unhappy patients/relations in the US in the last 10 years?

I need the above for a medical research. What is the survival rate?

How many surgeons have been wounded/killed by unhappy patients/relations in the US in the last 10 years?
Not as many as the amount of patients die everyday in hospitals due to neglect. That is 200 every day...unless it's gone up. Sorry I don't have your answer.

broken teeth

Should Australia become Nuclear as we have the worlds largest deposits of Uranium, to ward of any threats ?

So atm were not Nuclear, well only for medical research purposes anyway. We do have the largest unmined deposits of yellow cake and uranium in the world. So should we start mining and go Nuclear at least for power sources as its suppose to be a clean energy source compared to fossil fuel. With no carbon elements or increased risk of global warming. After that we could launch our own Nuclear Defence system and be untouchable from the risk of invasion from foreign hordes ! I don't know if we need it, but wouldn't it strengthen us ?

Should Australia become Nuclear as we have the worlds largest deposits of Uranium, to ward of any threats ?
There is a big difference between the world of building nuclear power stations, and nuclear weapons system.

The bomb was tested in co-operation with the British on Australian territory years ago and

I believe that Australia already has nuclear strike capability.

As for using it to fuel Australian energy concerns, it possibly will be the only way to go after the natural resources of coal, gas, etc.. run out.

The Swedes have some very new, powerful Nuclear generators with far better safety features than the flawed Russian design used at Chernobyl.
Reply:if Australia starts to become a nuclear power,the nearby countries will want to go nuclear too,won't it be better if every country has nukes? so MAD will be applied to everyone and everyone will not attack others anymore
Reply:Well I am Australian and no I do not want to go nuclear anything. Nuclear Power stations maybe clean but they cost far more to supply energy than the current means of generating power.

Maybe the alternative is to look at wind, solar.

And the dessert is our land and it is not for storing spent fuel rods.
Reply:For power generation, yes, absolutely.
Reply:Where will you dispense the old nuclear fuel rods?

Hey, why not go nuclear? Everyone else is. Join all the tribal disputes and be an equal opportunity earth destroyer.

It is going to be interesting where all these spent nuclear fuel rods are going to be stored--not just for Australia but the world over. Maybe that could be a new economic boom for Africa--every country in the world could send their spent nuclear fuel rods to Africa. After all, the people in Africa are perishing from so many different things, what's a few spent nuclear fuel rods?
Reply:That's not an easy question for someone who isn't Australian to answer. If Australia were to say start building nuclear power plants, It would be wise to plan and set up a long term storage facility for spent fuel, and develop a way of transporting it to that site, before the first plant is built.
Reply:I wish I could move to Austrailia, America sucks these days.

Which group of people have healed more people from serious medical conditions - religious leaders or doctors?

Based on your answer, in which direction should the majority of human efforts be directed - to religion or towards medical research?

Which group of people have healed more people from serious medical conditions - religious leaders or doctors?
God loves you and so do I. I'll pray for you
Reply:Both? Evil are u crazy? We had religion in the West for 2,000 YEARS!!!! And during almost the entire time, the lifespan was in the 40's. In the past hundred years, we have increased to the mid 70's. That's almost double the life span!!! That is ENTIRELY from modern medicine! And you say both are equally important?

Remind me never to hire you to work in my company, you seem to have no ability to reason whatsoever.
Reply:that's a slanted question

how many Janitors have saved lives versus Doctors?

clearly with your logic we need to cut down on Janitors and more Doctors

There is a place for both in society

Medical research.
Reply:Everything in moderation, so I think a little of both are needed. God doesn't want us to be ignorant, so science is a major part of knowledge, and you need to believe in God for hope and faith in what we do.
Reply:i don' t think one think necessarily excludes the other based on numbers i think people in christian etc hospitals healed most people, think of mother Theresa
Reply:Psa.37:20 But the wicked shall perish, and the enemies of the LORD shall be as the fat of lambs: they shall consume; into smoke shall they consume away.
Reply:Medical science cures more people than miracles ever hoped to cure. believe it!
Reply:Religiuos leaders are NOT in the business of healing "serious medical conditions" they are in the business of healing their souls for the afterlife. But since this type of 'healing' is often not as noticable than being healed from cancer, it is still FAR more important than the physical healing, Why? 'cause when a person with let's say, cancer does die, unless his/her soul has been 'healed' they will suffer more in the afterlife than they did in the present life. However, there will be no pain or suffering in Heaven Romans 8 v18
Reply:medical research.
Reply:Even though Doctors are men and women of science, they also believe in faith. Being a person of science does not preclude having faith in a higher power, and most doctors will tell you that they have seen miracles and things they cannot explain away with science. In the long run however, doctors have touched and healed more people than can be counted...all with the help of a bit of faith. So your answer is both.
Reply:The purpose of religion should not be to heal the sick.
Reply:Both. Religion heals the spirit, doctors heal the body. Sometimes they cross over and one allows for the other. Curing someone's disease may help them to have faith and be spiritually healed as well. OR having faith and believing in God can give us strength for our bodies to heal that we might not otherwise have.
Reply:Doctors heal physical conditions, but sometimes people need a religious leader to heal their soul.
Reply:religious leaders Lol
Reply:Let's make it fair and say put your cash where you think God is directing you to. I believe God gave medics their knowledge and all good healing comes from him anyway.
Reply:I think they're equal partners. God has provided doctors with the skill %26amp; knowledge to heal us physically, but God still can and does work miracles. Example - my mother-in-law had stage 4 lung cancer (verified by second opinion). She had a tumor in her neck that was associated with it, and had moved into her lymph nodes, which is usually considered terminal. She was given 6 weeks to live w/o chemo, 6-7 months w/chemo. That was 2 1/2 years ago. Not only is she still alive, but the tumor has srunk and her prognosis for full recovery is now very good. Doctors pronounced her dead, but prayer coupled with chemotherapy healed her. Which one was not needed here? In my opinion both were absolutely necessary for her recovery, making the doctors partners with God even if they were unaware of it.
Reply:When christians and other mythologists are ill they should wait to see if their faith heals them. It could be a good way of culling the zealots and chanters of mumbo jumbo. The rest of us will be getting cured at the doctors like intelligent people.
Reply:Boy you sure have a chip on your shoulder.

Again check out the facts before you stir up your muck.

Church's were the ones who started most of the original Hospitals and universities.
Reply:Religion never healed any one I am a Christian and I can tell you , if more are healed by Doctors, it is because more believe in Doctors than God. God is the Healer, and only Faith can do the work.
Reply:All medical advances in the world are inspired and given to us by the grace of God so we should direct our efforts towards both... and cleaning up pollution too :)
Reply:Get a kick out of this one -

I'm a religious man becoming a doctor.

Here's another one to shock you -

I'm far from alone.

Honestly, do you really think that religion has absolutely no hand in science? Do you think that it is an 'either/or' process put forth by religious systems. Just how much of your information do you base your life off of from USA Today and People magazine. No seriously.

Now answer me this one. What is the success rate of modern medicine in keeping people alive? While you get our your toy calculator I'll just give you the answer - 0% success rate. Everyone that has been cared for by modern medicine has died or will die. Doctors, secular and religious, will do their best alonside religious leaders to provide a quality of life, but in the end medicine fails.

Now you, in all your wisdom, ignore the end part. You say it's just an end and that is that. We die and no more. But you are a small percentage. Two standard deviations outside the bell curve. You are somewhat anti-societal in the fact that most people are not like you, and do indeed care about their death and what may come after.

You call these people, sheeple. It's cute, but it demonstrates your ignorance of who would just be considered a sheeple under your heading. Unfortunately for you, many of these sheeple are regarded and intellectual, educated, rational, and sometimes geniuses by most people's standards. Most people want human effort dedicated to religion and to medical science. That is why religion is still around and growing just as well as science. They are two pieces of the human condition most normal people are interested in.

Wow. I'm going to sit outside, read a book, and try to make peace with the concept of people like you.

You just keep copy and pasting those one liners from the rich supply of atheist websites online.

Spew your hate.
Reply:It's all a matter of beliefs, as nothing can literally be proven--not even my existence at this very moment can be PROVEN, if you think about it (maybe you're dreaming, maybe your mind is in a vat...Who knows?). But because medical research can include anything and everything and religious is a matter of something VERY different, very personal, and very diverse (not everyone in the word is a Catholic but anyone in the world can be taken care of by a professional doctor), I would the majority say efforts should be directed toward medical research.

P.S.: I also like that you said "the majority." :)
Reply:a) churches firstly started hospitals

b) often miracles happen that doctors can't predict, through prayer

c) the husband of someone I know personally had his paralysed legs healed after hours of prayer (he was a christian)

Does intake of Lactobacillus acidophilus prevent heart attacks?

Can anyone cite any medical research that has been carried out recently? Really appreciate it. Thanks!

Does intake of Lactobacillus acidophilus prevent heart attacks?
No. It helps with digestive enzymes.

Heart attacks are caused by cardiac artery blockages.

If you need primary literature, do a search on pubmed.
Reply:no, it's in yogurt which is very healthy and good for your body and intestinal tract, plus if you're a girl, you will least likely get yeast infections.
Reply:Take enuff it corse Hart atteck
Reply:to prevent heart attacks, you watch your diet and weight.

Research for high school student?

Hey I am a 16 year old high school student and I am looking to do any kind of science/medical research. I do not really know where I can go in order to get this opportunity so I am looking for some help. I would be very happy to do an internship of some kind even if it starts in the summer. I live in NJ. Thank you

Research for high school student?
You can definitely begin getting experience in medical or science research. What you'll be able to do will depend on how much you already know. I did a summer internship just before I entered medical school and one of the other summer students was a high school student who was doing a study he'd designed himself--the opportunities are definitely there.

I'd start with your high school guidance counselor--he or she may know about local opportunities in your area.

If there is a hospital nearby, you can contact their volunteer office and ask if there are research opportunities--this would probably need to be a larger teaching hospital, not a small community hospital, but any hospital or clinic might be participating in a clinical study and you might be able to help. In order to participate in medical research, you may need to do some training in patient confidentiality (HIPAA), but they will help you with that if you need it.

For science research, if there is a university near you, call the main office for whatever area of study you think you might be interested in (chemistry, biology, etc.), tell them that you are a local high school student and are interested in internships or research opportunities.

Good luck!
Reply:Typically to do any science/medical research, you would generally need to be in college, whether at the university or junior college level.

In order to do an internship is a research program... take some classes in the sciences such as chemistry, biology, and physics; once you entered college. If you good very well in these courses, you will be able to do research.

As for now, try looking into volunteer work at hospitals. It is a great way to start to network with doctors doing research. Or try searching for chemical companies that offer internship for exceptional high school students.

Hope this information helps you

canine teeth

Please help me, I'm a first year medical student and am afraid of needles?

I just started my medical course 1 week ago.Recently I had a practical where we are supposed to work in pair where one person will prick the finger of the other to obtain a few drops of blood.

While demonstrater prick the finger and smeared blood on the slides, I saw white spots, nausea, dizziness and i passed out for a few SECONDS.I was really pale and sweating profusely.

I researched and found out that I am trypanophobic(afraid of injection needles, hypodermic needle) and what i experienced that day was vasovagal syncope. None of my family members have this phobia. It was the first time I fainted, though twice before I felt the same symptoms on similar situations.

I've low blood pressure as well and I develope this fear only 2 or 3 years ago,reasons unknown.I used to be able to watch nurses giving injection without feeling dizzy.

Anyone with similar phobia still continue with the medical course?My dad wanted me to be a doctor,and now I'm afraid I can't.How to overcome this?

Please help me, I'm a first year medical student and am afraid of needles?
Talk to your instructor. you can probably overcome this with therapy, maybe hypno therapy. I'm not afraid of needles but have other phobias.

just a word of advise, you should be doing what you want, not what your dad wants you to do. Go into medicine if it makes you happy otherwise find a different career. I used to know a nurse, she told me that she passed out the first time she tried to draw blood on a patient. With some practice she overcame this and continued to practice.
Reply:Ask your doc for a referral to a psych person who can help you work through this. You need to do this ASAP as you will be doing a lot of work with needles so call your doc and get a referral ASAP.
Reply:I use to train Med students in Phlebotomy.

Learning how to draw blood is actually a very effective way for people to get over their anxieties about blood. It's stressful for the first week or so, but if you do it routinely and become good at it, you'll not only get use to seeing blood but you'll realize you're doing a service to patients by being good at something that causes so much anxiety in practically everyone.
Reply:Forget that they are needles!

Assume that they are Tinky-Winky toys!;-)

I think that you are giving this problem more than it deserves..

I was afraid of needles too, then we was enjoying playing with human organs!

Need to interview someone who has/had Leukemia for middle school research paper?

I am a middle school teacher and my 6th graders are doing research papers on diseases and medical of my students is researching Leukemia and would like to interview someone who's has actually experienced this disease. If you would be willing to answer a few questions, please send me your email student will email you a 5-8 questions survey to answer. We really appreciate it! Thanks much!


Need to interview someone who has/had Leukemia for middle school research paper?
I am an AML patients. Diagnosed the first time 01/05 at 21, and the second time in 01/07 at 23. I went through a stem cell transplant last summer (bone marrow transplant and am now cancer free.

My email is
Reply:I am a leukemia patient and would be glad to be interviewed for this project. I had several miracles take place during the 2 months I was in the hospital. I think it would make a good story for his paper. I died 3 times and still got up and walked out of the hospital 3 days after dying the 3rd time. I got that miracle and then I went into remission 100% and so far am still in remission. I will find out tomorrow. It will be 1 year on June 2nd since I went into the hospital er and found out then that I had leukemia. And all I thought I had was just one of my bad migraines. Boy was I fooled. That started me on a roller coaster ride. My e-mail address is I think that you are doing a good job if you are going in depth on diseases and conditions. Keep up the good work.
Reply:To all potential Answerers -

My suggestion for safety purposes is for willing people to contact the teacher via the email posted in the question, rather than posting it online here, where unscrupulous persons will use it.

Meanwhile, I have forwarded your question to one of my boy scouts who (at 15) has recovered twice from leukemia. He may choose to answer your email personally, and not through this system.

Good luck, and this was a great idea!

Did the German and Japanese soldiers actually been given drugs to make them fight fanatically during WW2?

or at any plans esp. the Germans and Japanese were involved in medical research such as the Japanese 731 units.

Did the German and Japanese soldiers actually been given drugs to make them fight fanatically during WW2?
I don't know about the Japanese.

I understand the Germans were issued caffine pills to help them keep going.

They even portray it in the Hitchock film "Lifeboat" - though the film was created in part as propoganda.
Reply:that's the rumor..... coked out Germans at Normandy was the word.... sorry, i have no source.
Reply:I've heard that most countries do that; Americans were allegedly given amphetamines during the first gulf "conflict"

Is anyone else alarmed about the monkey business going around?

All that stuff in India, Malaysia, Japan and Puerto Rico is eerily like a social uprising from the sixties. The ones in Puerto Rico escaped from a defunct medical research facility. Who knows whats lurking in that DNA.

Is anyone else alarmed about the monkey business going around?
disgusting they should monkey around with people ,like those on death row

human teeth

If I was incorrectly diagnosed can I have it removed from my medical records?

My doctor diagnosed me with type 2 diabetes and when I did more research on it I found out that my blood sugar levels were never actually above the level considered "diabetic". Now I need to change insurance companies due to a job change and want that diagnosis taken off my medical records since it wasn't correct in the first place and will likely make my premium higher for my new insurance. Is this possible? Has anyone done this?

If I was incorrectly diagnosed can I have it removed from my medical records?
You can have your doctor add a correction to your medical record. What you need to do is submit your request in writing telling of your findings and ask him to add a correction, changing your diagnosis. However, your A1C being under 7 doesn't mean that you aren't a diabetic, it can mean that your diabetes is still controlled without medications. Check your fasting glucose levels as well. That with your A1C will give you a better picture of your diabetic state.
Reply:Testing that's done through a doctor's office or hospital are all part of your medical records, regardless of what the diagnosis was. If the tests showed you didn't have type 2 diabetes, it'll show that in your records. You can't remove the information from your medical records that applies to testing that was done, that would be fraud. Now if there's false information in your record, tests that were never performed or some such, you could try requesting the information be removed, but in all likelihood, you'd need to go to court and prove to a judge that they weren't performed and get a court order to have the information removed.
Reply:You'd be altering medical documents, and no that's not a good idea. If you were medically diagnosed incorrectly, seek a second opinion, which would over write the first, and show proof to an insurance carrier of your predicament. If you have damage resulting from the misdiagnosis, seek an attorney. Self diagnosis from online research is not enough to proclaim yourself "cured", "healed" or categorized differently.

If you don't believe this,, take your medical research and show this to your insurance carrier, and see if they find validity in your research! and.. .NO.. I've never done this!

I'd suggest something else, (as I'm really trying to be as concise and accurate with my advice here). Acquire your new health insurance. Pay the premiums and copays are usual. When you seek treatment, or even the intial onset of your first policy amounts, review them with the carrier and ask them how they determined your premium. If their reply is based solely on that medical notation, regarding the diabetes issue, makes claims and argue you're point, that it's not factual, to what degree you believe. Ask them for an arbitrary review. Also do this is you are denied any medical benefits. Some insurance carriers, may not even see this as a "profound" reason to deny the coverage that you are wanting, (which I am not sure, just generalizing here with my opinion). You seemed to be concerned with something before it has even occurred.

I again state, a doctor's notes, synopsis, medical summary, will have substantial more credibility than your own opinions over your health issues. I understand your frustration over this issue, but I have stated factual hypothetical information to help guide you, if you so choose to review it.
Reply:Talk to your Dr. and have him remove it. Take your findings to him.
Reply:A1c doesn't count when diagnosing diabetes. My a1c was 5.9% when I was diagnosed, but that didn't change the fact the my bs was 600. You need to look at the actual bs.
Reply:What has happened is when you had medical tests done your doctor's office likely filed your insurance for you. In order for the insurance company to pay they must have an acceptable diagnosis code on the form when it is submitted.

Apparently, you had something done which came conclusive as diabetes. Did you have a blood glucose test done that came back positive for diabetes? If so, the diagnosis code for diabetes was issued to your insurance company when a payment claim was submitted.

You might be able to have the test re-done over a period of several months and have those results sent to your insurance company. It's possible they might remove it but unlikely.
Reply:Well, your medical record is not really one thing that has a list of diagnoses which can be added or erased, it is a bunch of notes, test results, and labs gathered together, so it's hard to really "remove" anything. However, if you were once diagnosed with diabetes and your doctor realizes that it is a misdiagnosis, you can ask him to include in your record some normal fasting blood glucose levels or a normal oral glucose tolerance tests and some documentation to the effect of, "no clinical or laboratory signs of diabetes".

Now, one thing to remember about insurance companies is that they are essentially evil and they don't care about you at all, they care about improving their bottom line, so regardless of what the truth is, they will often grab hold of whatever they can to raise your rate or deny payment for procedures, no matter how lame the technicality, so even after you have the correct information in your doctor's chart, you may have to spend many long hours screaming at insurance company functionaries to get them to treat you as a nondiabetic, and you may need to get a lawyer eventually.
Reply:Yes. You can have your doctor remove it from your medical records as long as he sees you you are not a diabetic.

Treatment for Chronic Renal Failure and Developments of Stem Cell Research?

Dear Friends,

Can eny body shed some light on how kidney transpalnt would be successfull with stem cells. How far stem cell research has evolved in medical world. Do you think that stem cell treatment will available with in next decade?

Please respond, this is important to me very much!

Treatment for Chronic Renal Failure and Developments of Stem Cell Research?
We are no where near developing functioning kidney from stem cell. CRF is managed by dialysis and transplant. I understand there is wait for getting the transplant and it is often difficult to have match when you are from minor ethnicity.

Nonetheless, the outcomes of kidney transplant are much better now then ever. Next 10 years are very very unlikely to see stem cell based therapy for CRF.

Only FDA approved stem cell therapy at present is treatment of blood/marrow cancer. Parkinsonism is next one in line to be approved.

Do you have any good ideas about new medical treatments?

Hi, my name is Jan, I'm studying Medicine.

I'm trying to think of an honours research project.

Can you help?

It can be:

1) To design a new medical invention, or

2) It can be to work out if doing 'A' causes the disease 'B'

If you have a hunch or a brilliant idea, please let me know and I might be able to do a bit of research into it.



Do you have any good ideas about new medical treatments?
Recent guidelines for asthma control suggest that peak flow monitoring alone is insufficient for good control. The experts are now advocating spirometry or at least FEV determination.

To me, this has the potential of taking asthma treatment out of the hands of community physicians and into the allergy/pulmonary medicine specialists. This will have a great impact on expense of asthma care, already sky high, as well as access to care.

You might consider a project looking into FEV monitoring or complete spirometry with equipment that is readily affordable and the associated training programs to ensure that the testing can be reliably done in the community physician's office.

This isn't exactly a new invention, I know, but it is a needed project for better control of a common disease.

Weight gain information-research and statistics.?

Are there any sites that give weight gain and loss information? I want something unbiased. I´ve looked around and haven´t found anything reliable. I don´t want testimonials, just medical research and/or statistics.

Weight gain information-research and statistics.?
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Reply:Great post! I totally understand how you feel. I'm also trying to lose weight and I found this great product which is working for me (it's all 100% natural). You can check the website at , I had a free trial and paid less than $5.00 shipping and handling. Best of luck!

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